Los "Óscar" de PokerNews en las WSOP, parte 1: las estrellas de este verano y las mayores decepciones

Durante buena parte de este inicio de verano, hemos visto cómo los Pros (y los croupieres, por supuesto) decidían los destinos de cada uno de los jugadores en las World Series of Poker. Pero ahora que ya han terminado, es nuestro turno para decidir quién ha ganado realmente. Echa un vistazo las nominaciones que ha hecho el equipo dePokerNews Live Updating Team (Seguimientos en directo) para los méritos en las WSOP, los "Óscar" particulares de esta casa. ¿Quién ha destacado? ¿Quién se ha ganado nuestro respeto? ¿Y quién habría estado mejor tumbado en la playa, antes que jugando en las Vegas? En esta edición, el equipo que ha seguido todo en directo ha escogido a sus jugadores favoritos. Hacemos un repaso de los momentos más memorables de las World Series.
Éste es el jurado:
Donnie Peters, Tournament Reporting Manager
Mickey Doft, Field Reporting Manager
Nicole Gordon, Senior Writer
Elissa Harwood, Senior Writer
Tim Duckworth, Blogger
Martin Harris, Blogger
Rich Ryan, Blogger
Las nuevas estrellas más destacadas:
Frank Kassela ― el único jugador que ha conquistado dos brazaletes este verano; ha hecho caja seis veces, incluyendo dos victorias, una burbuja de mesa final, un tercer puesto en el $25k Six-Handed No-Limit event, y casi se alza con el puesto del WSOP Player of the Year (tendrá que compartirlo con Michael Mizrachi, si éste gana el Main Event).
Comentario de Harris: Most of us have known about Frank Kassela for some time, but by winning two bracelets and securing at least a share of the WSOP Player of the Year, he’s definitely increased his profile this summer.
Comentario de Peters: With the year he had, he'll surely be a face in the future for all to recognize.
Dan "djk123" Kelly ― ganó el $25k Six-Handed No-Limit event, con un premio de $1,3 millones en el primer evento WSOP que ha jugado (puedes ver más detalles sobre Dan Kelly en nuestro informe sobre los WSOP Rookies de este año aquí).
Comentario de Doft: While play was on the bubble late on Day 2, a short-stacked Kelly came over to me several times to see the chip counts of the rest of the field. I was thrilled to see him sneak into the money. From there, he found a few doubles and went on to take it down. It couldn't have happened to a nicer and humbler guy.
James "Flushy" Dempsey ― Un Pro británico, que ha ganado su primer brazalete en el $1.500 Pot-Limit Hold'em event, y luego terminó segundo tras Sam Farha, en el $10k Omaha Hi-Lo Championship.
Comentario de Ryan: Hint: "He’s a doctor! He’s a doctor! He’s a doctor!" Coming into the 2010 WSOP, Dempsey only had one WSOP cash to his name. Well, the Englishman added four more cashes this summer including a second and the illustrious gold bracelet. He finished the Series sixth in the POY standings and left the states with over a half a million dollars in winnings. Surely, that’s just what the doctor ordered.
David "Bakes" Baker ― empezó las Series con un sexto puesto en el $50k Player's Championship, y después se alzó con la victoria en el $10k 2-7 Draw Championship; a menudo se le confunde con ODB (otro jugador llamado David Baker), que también ha tenido un buen verano de torneos.
Comentario de Gordon: Baker really impressed me, navigating through a brutal field to make the final table of the $50k and then followed it up with a bracelet win.
Michael Chow ― un grinder de juegos mixtos, que saltó a la palestra al ganar el brazalete del $1.500 Omaha Hi-Lo event, y llegó a la mesa final del mismo evento, pero con buy-in de $10k; y casi llega a la mesa final del $10k H.O.R.S.E.; también hizo caja en el Main Event.
Comentario de Harwood: Chow came out of nowhere to prove he is one of the best in the world at Omaha Hi-Lo and that he can hold his own in one of the toughest $10k fields. Plus, he's responsible for one of the funniest moments of the summer. Deep in the H.O.R.S.E. $10k, Carlos Mortensen had turned his chips into one of his trademark sculpture towers. A reporter wondered out loud how sturdy it was. "Wanna find out?" Chow asked, and without missing a beat shook the table as hard as he could. Mortensen's tower swayed but didn't fall, and Chow flashed the rail a grin and went back to his cards.
Los mejores Grinders pasados del Online al Vivo:
Jeffrey "jpapola" Papola ― terminó segundo en el $2.500 NLH Six-Handed, después, al día siguiente, jugó en el $5k NLH Six-Handed, en el que ganó, derrotando a Men Nguyen en el heads-up.
Comentario de Doft: Papola battled through a field of 1,245 and finished second for $391,068. He followed that by defeating 567 others, winning the his first bracelet and $667,433 a few days later.
Comentario de Ryan: Papola banked over a million dollars and his first gold bracelet at the 2010 WSOP, nearly quadrupling his previous live earnings. Plus he’s from New Jersey, which gives him bonus points.
Dan "djk123" Kelly ― (ver más arriba)
Comentario de Gordon: WCOOP beast becomes WSOP beast with $25k win. 'Nuff said.
Harwood: Kelly managed to prove he could handle big-time live pros just as well as he runs through online opponents in his first WSOP, and he locked up a sponsorship deal with Doyle's Room by timing his bracelet win to coincide with a contest for membership in the Brunson Ten. Smart move. Plus, you have to love an online kid who wins over a million dollars, and when dragged out to a club that night, can only scrounge up a few crumpled $20s from his pocket.
David "Bakes" Baker ― (ver más arriba)
Comentario de Peters: Baker had a heck of a Series and really put his name out there for all to notice. A final table in the $50k, winning the $10k 2-7 and then running deep in the $10k O-8 shows that he's not just your normal online NL player. He can play all the games and play them with the best in the world.
John Racener ― continúa su racha de buen juego en las WSOP, y ha terminado fuerte, en el November Nine (cuarto puesto en fichas)
Comentario de Harris: Racener already had over $1 million in online tourney winnings before this summer. Like he did in 2009, Racener cashed four times this year, including sitting in fourth place currently among the November Nine.
La mejor invasión extranjera:
Vladimir Schemelev ― hizo cuatro mesas finales en su debut en torneos de Estados Unidos; primero, apareció en escena con un segundo puesto en el $50k Player's Championship.
Comentario de Peters: Who is this guy and where the heck did he come from? They must just breed super-human poker players in Russia and then ship them over when they feel they're ready to compete. Don't be surprised if we're talking about another Russian next year who made noise like this guy did.
Cometario de Gordon:The pot-limit stud cash-game beast from St. Petersburg more than proved himself as a tournament force this summer and made a serious run at POY.
Comentario de Harris: His four cashes ― all final tables ― totaled over $1.14 million, including a runner-up finish in the $50,000 Player's Championship.
Simon "durrrr killer" Watt ― ganó su primer brazalete en el $1.500 NLH event; derrotó a Tom Dwan en el heads-up, y así salvó a muchos bolsillos de bancarrotas por apuestas con Durrr.
Comentario de Ryan
: It’s safe to say the Rio caught a severe case of World Cup fever during the 2010 WSOP. There were chants yelled, flags waved, jerseys worn and even vuvuzelas blown throughout the two months of play. The best American invasion came from a very quiet Kiwi, however. New Zealand’s first-ever bracelet winner, Watt, wins this award. He indeed defeated Dwan heads up, winning $614,248, a gold bracelet, and, according to Mike Matusow, a framed photograph on the wall of Bobby’s Room.********
Shawn Buchanan ― continúa con su consistente carrera de torneos en vivo, con un verano sólido y un segundo puesto en el $25k Six-Handed No-Limit event.
Comentario de Doft: Canadian Buchanan is no stranger to live success, having a WPT win and several deep runs under his belt. His WSOP resume hadn't been as impressive, until now. Buchanan cashed eight times, capping it with his second-place finish in the $25k for $812,941.
Jugadores Británicos ― destacaron en las WSOP por tener cuatro ganadores de brazaletes e innumerables apariciones en mesas finales.
Comentario de Harwood: If you're set on awarding the summer to any group, then it's got to be the "Summer of the Brits." They surprised everyone with the depth of their team, the volume of their rails, and the tolerance of their livers. Praz Bansi kicked things off with a bracelet early, and once they heard "God Save the Queen" once, there was no stopping them. Neil Channing went deep the next day, James Dempsey and Richard Ashby had insane summers, and Steve Jelinek grabbed his own hardware. At least the Brits had poker to comfort them during the World Cup.
Peores disgustos:
Annette Obrestad ― Es el nombre más destacado que viene a la mente en primer lugar. La jugadora-estrella de 21 años había levantado muchas expectativas, a la hora de desembarcar en el Rio, incluso con promociones en los pasillos de su llegada a las Vegas, en la portada de una revista de reparto gratuito en las Series. Los fans estadounidenses no pararon de hacerse fotos con ella cada dos minutos, y nadie dudaba de que se llevaría un brazalete. Pero esas son demasiadas expectativas para cualquiera, especialmente para alguien que no ha jugado la mayoría de los eventos de juegos mixtos, con un field menor.
Comentario de Ryan: Wait, Phil Ivey only won one bracelet? What? As a matter of fact, only one person, the current POY Frank Kassela, won multiple bracelets. Coming off the “Year of Multiple Bracelet Winners,” this has to be the biggest disappointment.
Comentario de Duckworth: The biggest disappointment of the 2010 WSOP would be Joe Cada, in my eyes. Although he only played 16 events ― which is the near complete opposite to Tom Dwan’s 50 ― he was unable to register a cash in any of them. There wasn’t one occasion when Cada managed to make a deep run, instead bowing out early on in the event. Yes, it can be assumed that he may have been running bad for the Series, but he really did need to register a score or two to justify his win last year as his deep PCA High Roller run can only keep the weight off his shoulders for a limited time.
Comentario de Peters: There's a lot of hype around Annette Obrestad, but I'll go with Barry Greenstein. He only managed two small cashes and played a high volume of events as he does every year. As a whole, the "old brigade" didn't fair too well at all this series. Doyle Brunson, Howard Lederer, Annie Duke, Chris Ferguson, Mike Matusow? You didn't hear much of these guys throughout the Series. It's a new day and age. The younger players are really starting to take over, and people need to start recognizing the younger players in the game.
Comentario de Harris: Not everyone will agree, but I personally thought men playing in the ladies event was disappointing.
Comentario de Gordon: I'm still disappointed in the men who decided to crash the ladies event. They may have been trying to make a larger point but went about it in entirely the wrong way.
Comentario de Harwood: Forget the ladies event. I'm disappointed that the Main Event didn't produce any new female stars to bring us hours of comedy and tons of photo shoots in the year to come. This year, women only made up 3 percent of the Main Event field, down from 5 percent last year. And the last woman standing was out in 121st place. That meant two full days at the Rio were men-only. That's a much bigger problem than an event only for women.
Los que más se merecieron un brazalete:
Mucha gente votó por uno de los favoritos de los fans, Gavin Smith, que ganó su primer brazalete en el $2.500 Mixed Hold'em event.
Comentario de Ryan: This is a tie between two great friends: Gavin Smith and Chris Bell. Both players were without bracelets entering the 2010 WSOP, and they won their respective events on back-to-back days. Few players are as nice and as approachable as Smith and Bell, and I definitely let out a little fist-pump upon hearing about their successes.
Comentario de Peters: He has been deserving of a bracelet for a long time and it couldn't have happened to a nicer, more fun-loving guy. It's about time Smith captured that WSOP gold, and the entire poker community couldn't be happier for him.
Comentario de Harris: Smith played a terrific tourney and final table.
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