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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #11: $10,000 Omaha Hi-Low Split-8 or Better Championship
Día 1
Información del evento

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finales
Mano ganador
Información del evento
Bolsa de premios
Información Nivel
130,000 / 250,000

Watson Chopped

Nivel 5 : 250/500, 0 ante

Chris Oliver limped into the pot under the gun, and Steve Zolotow looked confused. "He limps in," Zolotow said to himself. "I gotta figure out what that means. I haven't seen one of those before." Zolotow called after the monologue, and Tom Dwan, Erick Lindgren (small blind), and Mike Watson (big blind) all joined them in the pot.

The flop came out {7-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {5-Hearts}, and action checked all the way through to the {3-Hearts} turn. Watson took the betting lead now, folding Oliver and Zolotow quickly. Dwan raised to 2,000 though, Lindgren cold-called, and Watson called the extra bet to see the {2-Hearts} fill out the board. Dwan bet again, and both opponents once again called. Watson was stuck in the middle.

Dwan: {A-Clubs} {4-Spades} {8-Hearts} {9-Hearts}
Lindgren: {7-Hearts} {10-Hearts} {2-Spades} {4-Diamonds}

Dwan nearly scoops, but Lindgren's flush was just better, allowing him to take the high half the pot. Both he and Dwan are around 33,000 after chopping up Watson's chips.

Tags/etiquetas: Chris OliverErick LindgrenMike WatsonSteve ZolotowTom Dwan

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