O'Brien Has it For a Change

Ryan Olisar opened up action with a raise of 1,500 preflop and found a caller when the player from the button called and Dan O'Brien called from the big blind. Before O'Brien called he stated that he "was only calling so I would write a hand about him."
The flop ran out . O'Brien checked and Olisar bet 3,000. The player from the button and O'Brien called. The
fell on the turn and all the players checked to the river. When the
hit on the river O'Brien led out with a bet of 11,800. Olisar made the call and the player on the button tanked for a bit until he folded
face up.
O'Brien flipped up the for the flush. The only thing that could of been better was if he took down the pot wearing his bright purple shades.
O'Brien sits with around 87,000 chips in front of him.