Bass Takes Down Rabstov In Quick Fashion
We came in when Kirill Rabstov only had about 20,000 left to the 250,000 of Stephen Bass. Bass applied the pressure until he finally got him down to 6,000 and all in preflop.
Bass showed and Rabstov showed
The board ran out and the six on the turn was enough to give Bass the win. After the hand, Bass got up and said "Good Match" extending his hand for a hand shake. Rabstov ignored it, threw his hands in the air, grabbed his belongings, and started (what we can only assume was) cursing in Russian.
However angry Rabstov was, it doesn't change the fact that Bass has made it through and is the fourth confirmed member of our final table tomorrow.
Jugador | Fichas | Progreso |
17,000 |
Eliminado |