Devilfish a One-Man Band
Nivel 2
: 75/150, 0 ante

Dave "Devilfish" Ulliott is entertaining himself here at the start of today's action. Just a little while ago he pulled out a harmonica and began to play a soft yet conspicuous tune. "I bet you they'll let you play for two minutes," said Tom Dwan. Soon the harmonica was put away.
No matter. Ulliott next produced his acoustic guitar from its case, and began strumming a pleasant blues number. He made it through the instrumental intro and into the first verse before the tournament director stopped him. "Why?" asked Ulliott. "Was someone complaining?" The TD grinned as he delivered the obvious response: "You just can't have a guitar at the table."
We're looking around the table now, perhaps to find some bongos.