Rowsome Out; One to Money
Alas, Adrienne Rowsome couldn't hold out any longer. While Karl Mahrenholz was doubling through Tom Chambers on another table, Rowsome finally lost the last of her short stack to go out in 92nd just two spots shy of the money.
In Mahrenholz's hand, he was all in for almost 45,000 with versus Chambers'
. The board ran out
, and with a full house Mahrenholz was able to double back to about 90,000. Chambers -- having suffered through a couple of double-throughs here on the bubble -- is at 76,000 now.
In Rowsome's final hand, Alex Outhred raised to 6,000, she pushed for her last 8,000 or so, and he called. Outhred had and Rowsome
. The community cards came
, and the deuce in Outhred's hand meant Rowsome was out.
With 91 left, they are now playing hand-for-hand.