River Save for Sharaskin

Just after those two knockouts, we came within a card of seeing a third in three hands.
David Singontiko opened for 75,000 from the button, Igor Sharaskin reraised pot from the big blind, Singontiko reraised again, and Sharaskin called with his remaining chips.
Sharaskin showed and Singontiko
. The flop came a stunning
-- a set of jacks for Singontiko, plus the nut low draw to go with it. Sharaskin's prospects appeared dim, but the
on the turn did give him hopes for a gutshot straight to go with the out represented by the case ace.
Then came the river -- the ! -- giving Sharaskin the straight and saving his tourney life. "No better flop in the world for you," said Jeffrey Gibralter to Singontiko afterwards. "And you still lost!"
Actually he only lost half the pot, as he still took the low while Sharaskin claimed the high. Sharaskin still has about 650,000, while Singontiko is sitting at 1.7 million.