Matros on the Move
Matt Matros had just moved to a new table when a hand arose in which he opened with a raise to 1,600 from the small blind. His opponent in the big blind -- busy collecting his green chips in racks in preparation for the upcoming color-up -- tossed out chips to call.
The flop came a coordinated , and Matros bet 1,600 again. His opponent, still occupied with the chip collecting, quickly called. The turn was the
and Matros again fired, this time 3,100. Again came another quick call.
The river brought the , putting a fourth spade on board. Matros bet 8,500 this time, and finally his opponent stopped collecting chips to think about the situation. After a half-minute, he let his hand go.
Matros, the Event No. 52 winner ($2,500 Mixed HE), is up to 108,000.