Flush for Frankland

Sam Grafton opened to 12,500 from the hijack seat of his six-handed table and his only customer was Mathew Frankland in the big blind, who called.
The flop saw Frankland check-call a 16,000 continuation bet from Grafton, leading the dealer to bring the
into play. Frankand checked again and this time Grafton checked behind.
Frankland also checked the arrival of the on the river and when Grafton checked behind the cards were revealed.
"Is that a good hand then?" asked Grafton, "Someone get me a hand ranking chart please?!"
More banter between the two ensued. "I played it perfectly," claimed Grafton, "I bet when I was ahead and checked when I was behind."
"I can't argue with that," replied Frankland as he added to his 550,000 stack.