Closing the Gap
Hand #158: Seidel opened for 350,000 with and Urbanovich made the call holding
. The flop came
putting Seidel well in front. Urbanovich checked, and he raised Seidel's 400,000 bet to 925,000. Seidel wasn't parting with his flopped top pair and called.
With the pot now at 2,590,000, the fell on the turn. Urbanovich checked and Seidel checked behind. The
completed the board and Urbanovich bet 1,130,000 and Seidel called, winning the big hand with his pair of kings.
10,725,000 for Urbanovich and 7,090,000 for Seidel, the gap getting smaller.
Hand #159: Urbanovich with limped in, Seidel checked his
. The flop came
and Seidel checked. Urbanovich bet 180,000 and Seidel check-raised to 560,000 with his open-ended. Urbanovich folded his 8%-hand.
Hand #160: Seidel folded on the button.
Hand #161: Urbanovich limped in with and Seidel checked, showing just the
on the flop and Seidel check-folded to Urbanovich's 185,000 bet.