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2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Día 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Event Info
Bolsa de premios
Jugadores vivos
Media de puntos
Puntos Totales
Información Nivel
600 / 1,200
Información jugadores - Día 1a
Jugadores vivos

Roiter Goes Runner-Runner to Stack Sediakin

Nivel 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

With around 25,000 chips already in the pot on a board of 941010A, Klemens Roiter checked it over to Andrei Sediakin, who shoved for around 20,000. Roiter needed less than a second to slam a chip down and call.

Sediakin then confidently tabled 99 for a full house, but was stunned to see the A10 of Roiter, who had backdoored a bigger full house.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Klemens Roiter at
Klemens Roiter
Profile photo of Kazi Bairamukov ru
Kazi Bairamukov
Profile photo of Andrei Sediakin ru
Andrei Sediakin

Tags/etiquetas: Andrei SediakinKlemens Roiter

Nivel: 6

Ciegas: 300/600

Ante: 600

Kalev Wins Pot From Marquez

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Ana Marquez raised to 1,000 from under the gun and picked up a call before Petar Kalev three-bet to 5,000 from the big blind. Only Marquez called.

The flop came K6A and Kalev continued for 1,700, which Marquez called. The turn was the Q and Kalev bet again, this time for 5,200, which Marquez again called.

The river came the A and Kalev fired out a bet of 8,300. This proved too much for Marquez, who made the fold, giving Kalev the pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Ana Marquez es
Ana Marquez
Profile photo of Petar Kalev bg
Petar Kalev

Tags/etiquetas: Ana MarquezPetar Kalev

Tamm Finds River Hero Call

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Taago Tamm opened to 1,100 under the gun, and received a call from Suhan Guler in the next seat.

On the 988 flop, Tamm continued with a bet of 800, receiving a call from Guler.

The 4 hit on the turn, and Tamm fired again with a bet of 2,300, which Guler again called.

The 9 river brought a double-paired board, and Tamm checked. Guler fired out a bet of 7,200, and after a brief period of thought, Tamm made the call.

Guler frowned and tabled 55, his pocket pair having been counterfeited, and playing two pair, nines and eights, with a five kicker, marginally better than the board.

Any card above a five would do for Tamm, and he showed KQ for two pair, nines and eights, with a king kicker, sending him the pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Taago Tamm ee
Taago Tamm
Profile photo of Suhan Guler tr
Suhan Guler

Tags/etiquetas: Suhan GulerTaago Tamm

Talbot's Fortune Changes in the Space of Two Hands, Kaukua Surges Up the Leaderboard

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Parker Talbot
Parker Talbot

After just winning a big pot, Parker Talbot is no longer in the Main Event!

Talbot was seen wishing his tablemates good luck with all of his chips going to Toni Kaukua on his right. The board read 83A39 and the chips had been piled into the middle by the time they got to showdown. Talbot showed AxKx, but he was beaten by the 88 of Kaukua, who had flopped a set and turned a full house.

Talbot, who was sitting very comfortably with around 85,000 the hand prior, is now eliminated.

Toni Kaukua
Toni Kaukua
Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Toni Kaukua fi
Toni Kaukua
Profile photo of Parker Talbot ca
Parker Talbot

Tags/etiquetas: Parker TalbotToni Kaukua

Talbot Flushes Out Kravchenko’s Top Pair

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Parker Talbot kicked off the action from middle position with a raise to 1,300, and Dmitrii Kravchenko, sitting on the button, responded with a three-bet to 4,000. Talbot called, setting up the showdown.

The flop came 24Q, and Talbot checked, allowing Kravchenko to continue with a 3,000 bet. Talbot wasn’t backing down, though, and raised to 11,500. Kravchenko took a moment before deciding to shove all-in, and Talbot snap-called.

Dmitrii Kravchenko: AQAll in
Parker Talbot: AJ

Kravchenko was ahead with top pair, but Talbot had a flush draw with plenty of outs. The 7 on the turn completed Talbot’s flush, leaving Kravchenko drawing dead and eliminating him from the tournament.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Parker Talbot ca
Parker Talbot
Profile photo of Dmitrii Kravchenko ru
Dmitrii Kravchenko

Tags/etiquetas: Dmitrii KravchenkoParker Talbot

Korzinin Coolered by Abdellatif

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Vladimir Korzinin
Vladimir Korzinin

Action folded to Ahmed Abdellatif on the button, who opened to 1,300. Vladimir Korzinin, fresh off a third place finish in the $10,200 Mystery Bounty, was in the small blind and he produced a three-bet to 3,200.

Action back to Abdellatif, who reached for chips and produced a four-bet to 10,300. Korzinin quickly got the remainder of his 30,000 stack in the middle, and Abdellatif snapped.

Vladimir Korzinin: KK All in
Ahmed Abdellatif: AA

In a brutal button versus small blind spot, Korzinin's cowboys had run straight into Abdellatif's rockets, and no unlikely escape was provided for the Estonian by the J6563 runout.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Ahmed Abdellatif au
Ahmed Abdellatif
Profile photo of Vladimir Korzinin ee
Vladimir Korzinin

Tags/etiquetas: Ahmed AbdellatifVladimir Korzinin

Kings Crushed: Kilennikov Falls to Sheils' Set of Queens

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Alexandr Kilennikov opened the action with a raise to 1,200 from the hijack, and Brandon Sheils, sitting on the button, bumped it up to 3,600. Kilennikov didn’t back down and fired back with a four-bet to 8,200. Without hesitation, Sheils slid in a stack of 5,000 chips, signaling an all-in. Kilennikov snap-called, bringing them to a showdown.

Alexandr Kilennikov: KKAll in
Brandon Sheils: QQ

Kilennikov was in the lead with his kings, but the flop hit hard for Sheils, coming 56Q and giving him a set of queens. The turn 8 and river 5 didn’t change anything, sending Kilennikov to the rail as Sheils scooped the pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Brandon Sheils gb
Brandon Sheils
Profile photo of Alexandr Kilennikov ru
Alexandr Kilennikov

Tags/etiquetas: Alexandr KilennikovBrandon Sheils

Pardo Wins Pot from Boatman

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Juan Pardo raised from middle position and picked up a call before Barny Boatman three-bet to 4,800. Both other players called.

The flop came K34 and action checked to Boatman, who continued for 5,000. Only Pardo called. Both players then checked it back on the 7 turn.

The river was the 8 and Pardo led for 5,500. Boatman folded and Pardo picked up the pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo
Profile photo of Barny Boatman gb
Barny Boatman
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags/etiquetas: Barny BoatmanJuan Pardo

Zakharov Scoops a Three-Way Pot

Nivel 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Dmitry Zakharov was already all-in for his stack of around 20,000 and was contesting for the 60,000-chip main pot on the K3467 board. With 9,000 in the side pot between Roman Gadzhiev and Yulian Bogdanov, both elected to check the river.

Zakharov had turned a straight with 52, which was good for the main pot as Gadzhiev had AK for top pair. Bogdanov also had a pair of kings with KQ, but his kicker was weaker than his opponent's, so Gadzhiev took the side pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Roman Gadzhiev ru
Roman Gadzhiev
Profile photo of Dmitry Zakharov
Dmitry Zakharov
Profile photo of Yulian Bogdanov bg
Yulian Bogdanov

Tags/etiquetas: Dmitry ZakharovRoman GadzhievYulian Bogdanov

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