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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #14: $3,000 Limit Hold'em
Día 3
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finales
Mano ganador
Event Info
Bolsa de premios
Información Nivel
20,000 / 40,000

Andrew Brongo Eliminated in 3rd Place ($100,198)

Nivel 25 : 13,000/25,000, 0 ante
Andrew Brongo
Andrew Brongo

Its hands like this that remind us just how cruel a game poker can me. Andrew Brongo has just been eliminated by Brandon Demes in what can only be called a super-super sick cooler.

Brongo raised from the button, and Demes called from the small blind. The flop came {a-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}, and Demes bet. Brongo called, and the turn was the {a-Hearts}. From here, the fireworks set off like the 4th of July. Demes bet, and Brongo raised. Demes reraised, and Brongo put in a fourth bet. Demes called, and the river came the {10-Diamonds}. Demes checked, and Brongo bet. Demes raised, and Brongo reraised. Demes put in yet another bet, and Brongo snatched his chips, looked up to the sky, and capped the betting by calling all in.

Demes: {a-Spades}{10-Spades}
Brongo: {a-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}

Brongo had turned the full house, but Demes rivered a better full house, and Brongo was eliminated in brutal fashion. Brongo handled himself very well, shaking hands with both players, and the floorman before going to collect his six figure payday.

Tags/etiquetas: Andrew BrongoBrandon Demes

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