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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #42: $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship
Día 1
Información del evento

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finales
Mano ganador
Información del evento
Bolsa de premios
Información Nivel
50,000 / 100,000

Selbst and Nguyen Share a Few Words

Nivel 7 : 300/600, 0 ante

We walked passed where Vanessa Selbst is sitting and noticed that Men "The Master" Nguyen had been re-located to her immediate left. Nguyen brought up a hand that apparently occurred between them in a Pot-Limit Omaha event some time in the past where, according to Nguyen, Selbst was as a slight underdog and busted him. Nguyen then told Selbst not to bring the hand up and Selbt said that she wasn't the one who brought it up in the first place.

Robert Mizrachi was at the table to Selbst's right and defended her, saying something to the effect of treating her with respect.

Nguyen then turned to him and said, "She is not a woman," gesturing towards Selbst as if to point out for Mizrachi to take a look at her.

Selbst, obviously offended and shocked by the comment, turned to Nguyen and said, "You're an a****le."

"I know I'm an a****le," Nguyen said.

Selbst then asked the floor to give Nguyen a penalty for his behavior. The floorman verbally warned Nguyen, but no penalty was given.

Nguyen continued to argue with both Selbst and Mizrachi before Matt Glantz began to interject. Glantz was seated at an adjacent table and tried explaining to Nguyen that he was out of line and needed to just sit down and keep his mouth shut, defending Selbst just as Mizrachi was. Eventually, Nguyen sat back in his seat behind his beer and went on to the next hand.

Tags/etiquetas: Men NguyenRobert MizrachiVanessa SelbstMatt Glantz

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