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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $5,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-low Split-8 or Better
Día 1
Información del evento

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finales
Mano ganador
Información del evento
Bolsa de premios
Información Nivel
50,000 / 100,000

Big Action

Nivel 5 : 150/300, 0 ante

We just walked up to some pretty significant post-flop action. There was 7,500 in the pot when we walked up to the {J-Spades} {4-Hearts} {5-Clubs} flop, and the first player to act (Player 1) had moved all in for 3,250. Right behind him, Richard Ashby had raised to about 15,000, and Jim Anderson called all in for 9,050 next door. That put the action on one last gentleman, Player 4, and he spent a long, long while considering the decision for his last 4,825 chips. After some time, he reluctantly tossed them into the pot.

Player 1: {A-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {7-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} (pair, wheel draw)
Ashby: {A-Spades} {K-Spades} {J-Clubs} {8-Hearts} (top pair)
Anderson: {2-Clubs} {3-Hearts} {5-Hearts} {5-Diamonds} (set, wheel draw)
Player 4: {A-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds} {6-Hearts} {10-Hearts} (wheel draw)

It was a mess of cards and chips laying on the board, and the dealer ran out a {J-Hearts} turn and {8-Diamonds} river. Ashby let out a fist pump and a quiet, "Yes!" as he ran down a full house to take the high half of the pot. Player 1 is eliminated, while Player 4 wins half of the main and side pots with his low. Ashby does likewise with his full house, and Anderson can only win half of the last little side pot, stacking up the 1,475 chips he has left to try and make a comeback.

Ashby is up to about 28,000.

Tags/etiquetas: Jim AndersonRichard Ashby

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