Shulman doubles through NegreanuOur view from the railCommissioner Pollack poses with the hardwareAntoine SaoutJason MercierDaniel NegreanuJames AkenheadPraz BansiPraz BansiPraz BansiJames AkenheadJames AkenheadMarkus RistolaDaniel NegreanuJason MercierMatt HawrilenkoBarry ShulmanAntoine SaoutAntoine SaoutMatt HawrilenkoMatt HawrilenkoMarkus Ristola and Chris BjorinBarry ShulmanBarry ShulmanBarry ShulmanDaniel NegreanuChris BjorinChris BjorinChris BjorinMarkus RistolaJason MercierDaniel NegreanuJason Mercier's pregame interviewMembers of the WSOPE Final TableThe deckTony CousineauBird's eye view of the EmpireSecondary feature tableMatthew HawrilenkoTeddy SheringhamEric LiuMarkus Ristola doubles through John KabbajJames AkenheadSandor DemjanTommy PavlicekDaniel NegreanuDaniel NegreanuKonstantin BücherlJohn KabbajDavid DochertySaar WilfPeter GouldDoyle BrunsonMichael FascoBird's eye view of the Empire's feature tableeverestThomas BichonAmnon FilippiAmnon FilippiLiz LieuTommy VedesSandor DemjanChris BjorinAnnette ObrestadDave UlliottAndrew Lichtenberger and Andre AkkariRam VaswaniArnaud MatternJustin Smith moves all in on Daniel NegreanuDavid DochertyJohn TabatabaiMen 'The Master' NguyenJoe SebokMatt Hawrilenko and Tony CousineauMatt HawrilenkoStephen FungJames AkenheadJason MercierTodd Brunson's double up hand