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2024 WSOP Europe

Día 3
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Resultados Finales
Mano ganador
Event Info
Bolsa de premios
Información Nivel
100,000 / 200,000
Información jugadores - Día 3
Jugadores vivos

Banov Fires Two Barrels

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

On the last hand before break, Tomasz Kozub raised to 325,000 on the button and Hristiyan Banov defended Q1085.

The flop came 643 and Banov led out for 275,000. Kozub called to the J turn, then folded AQ83 once Banov bet another 750,000.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Hristiyan Banov bg
Hristiyan Banov

Tags/etiquetas: Hristiyan BanovTomasz Kozub

Kokoulin Makes Kozub Fold the Best Hand

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Tomasz Kozub limped AJJ4 from the small blind and Volodymyr Kokoulin checked Q632 in the big blind.

Both checked the 7A9 flop to the 5 turn where Kozub check-called a bet of 175,000 from Kokoulin.

The 10 completed the board and after Kozub checked, Kokoulin bet 225,000 as a bluff with just queen-high. Kozub folded.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags/etiquetas: Volodymyr Kokoulin

Banov Picks Up Aces

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Tomasz Kozub limped in from the button and Volodymyr Kokoulin came along from the small blind. Hristiyan Banov looked down at AA84 in the big blind and raised to 480,000, and only Kozub called.

The flop came K99 and Banov continued for 375,000. Kozub quickly folded JJ62.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Hristiyan Banov bg
Hristiyan Banov

Tags/etiquetas: Hristiyan BanovTomasz KozubVolodymyr Kokoulin

Kozub Turns a Boat

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Volodymyr Kokoulin opened the button to 250,000 with K854, and Tomasz Kozub called from the big blind holding QJ84.

On the Q108 flop, Kozub check-called a bet of 250,000 from Kokoulin.

A Q dropped on the turn where both players checked to the 7 river. Kozub reached for chips and bet 850,000, and Kokoulin pondered for a few seconds before releasing his hand.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags/etiquetas: Tomasz KozubVolodymyr Kokoulin

Banov Smacks the Flop, Gets No Action

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Volodymyr Kokoulin raised to 240,000 on the button and Hristiyan Banov called with AK43 in the small blind, while big blind Tomasz Kozub also came along.

The flop came KJ7 to give Banov top pair and the nut flush draw. He led out for 450,000 and Kozub quickly folded. Kokoulin also mucked AQ86 and Banov took the pot.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Hristiyan Banov bg
Hristiyan Banov

Tags/etiquetas: Hristiyan BanovTomasz KozubVolodymyr Kokoulin

Kokoulin Flops Two Pair

Nivel 31 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Hristiyan Banov raised the button to 275,000 and Volodymyr Kokoulin called from the big blind.

The 10AQ flop was checked through to the 6 turn where Kokoulin checked, Banov bet 250,000, and Kokoulin called.

A 3 completed the board and both players checked it down. Kokoulin tabled Q1092 for two pair, and Banov mucked.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Hristiyan Banov bg
Hristiyan Banov

Tags/etiquetas: Hristiyan BanovVolodymyr Kokoulin

Nivel: 31

Ciegas: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 120,000

Claudio Di Giacomo Eliminated in 4th Place (€17,800)

Nivel 30 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Claudio Di Giacomo
Claudio Di Giacomo

Claudio Di Giacomo raised to 350,000 under the gun, Tomasz Kozub three-bet to 900,000 on the button, and Di Giacomo moved all in for 935,000. Kozub called for an additional 35,000.

Claudio Di Giacomo: A763 All in
Tomasz Kozub: AKJ9

The K95 flop gave Kozub top two pair and a flush draw, while Di Giacomo was looking to complete a straight draw. The 5 turn was no help to Di Giacomo, while the river was the 5 as Di Giacomo graciously slid his chips over to Kozub and gave him a fist bump on his way to the exit as the fourth-place finisher.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Claudio Di Giacomo it
Claudio Di Giacomo

Tags/etiquetas: Claudio Di GiacomoTomasz Kozub

Kokoulin Backdoors a Flush To Escape Elimination

Nivel 30 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Volodymyr Kokoulin
Volodymyr Kokoulin

Claudio Di Giacomo raised from under the gun to 225,000 and Tomasz Kozub called from the small blind with AJ64. Volodymyr Kokoulin also called out of the big blind.

On the flop of 79K, it checked to Di Giacomo, who fired 280,000. Kozub quickly got out of the way then Kokoulin made it 1,575,000. Di Giacomo shoved, and Kokoulin called off his stack of 3,085,000.

Volodymyr Kokoulin: KQ97 All in
Claudio Di Giacomo: KKQ8

It was a dream situation for Di Giacomo who was a huge favorite to take over as the chip leader, and would do so if he faded some of the backdoor draws of Kokoulin.

However, poker is never easy and the 3 dropped on the turn, which gave Kokoulin a flush draw. That flush draw was completed when the 6 rolled off on the river, much to the disbelief of Di Giacomo.

From the brink of elimination, Kokoulin now surges into the chip lead with almost 7,000,000, and Di Giacomo becomes the short stack with less than ten big blinds.

Jugador Fichas Progreso
Profile photo of Volodymyr Kokoulin ua
Volodymyr Kokoulin
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Kozub pl
Tomasz Kozub
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Claudio Di Giacomo it
Claudio Di Giacomo

Tags/etiquetas: Claudio Di GiacomoTomasz KozubVolodymyr Kokoulin

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